
This document describes how to install the stable version or the bleeding edge code into your Python environment.

Stable code

Installing HPO toolkit is easy - we publish the releases on PyPi.

Therefore, the latest stable release can be installed by running:

python3 -m pip install hpo-toolkit

The bleeding edge code

To access the bleeding edge features, the development version can be installed by:

git clone
cd hpo-toolkit
git checkout development && git pull
python3 -m pip install .

This will clone the Git repository into your machine, switch to the development branch, and install HPO toolkit into the active Python environment, assuming you have privileges to install packages.

Run tests

The contributors may want to run the unit tests and the integration tests to ensure all features work as expected.

Before running tests, make sure you install HPO toolkit with test dependencies:

python3 -m pip install .[test]

The unit tests, integration tests, doctests, and the tutorial scripts can the be running by invoking the pytest runner:


The library *must* be installed in the environment before running all tests. Otherwise, the test discovery will fail.

Run benches

Bench suites provide an idea about the performance of the library. Running a bench requires checking out the GitHub repository and installing HPO toolkit with bench dependencies:

git clone
cd hpo-toolkit
python3 -m pip install .[bench]

Then, running a bench suite is as easy as:

REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
python3 benches/ --hpo /path/to/hp.json --revision ${REVISION}

The graph_traversal bench suite measures mostly the graph traversal performance. The suite stores the bench results in a CSV file that is written into the current folder. The CSV file reports throughput (ops/s) of various methods.


The suite is under development and thus subject to change.

That’s about it!