Source code for hpotk.algorithm.similarity._ic

import math
import typing
from collections import Counter

from hpotk.model import TermId
from hpotk.annotations import AnnotatedItemContainer
from hpotk.ontology import MinimalOntology
from hpotk.util import validate_instance
from ._model import SimpleAnnotationIcContainer, AnnotationIcContainer

[docs] def calculate_ic_for_annotated_items(items: AnnotatedItemContainer, ontology: MinimalOntology, base: typing.Optional[float] = None, module_root: typing.Optional[TermId] = None, use_pseudocount: bool = False) -> AnnotationIcContainer: """ Calculate information content (IC) for each :class:`TermId` based on a collection of annotated `items`. The calculation can be done for an ontology module - only the descendants of the provided `module_root` will be included in the analysis. If `assume_annotated` is `True`, then the count of all ontology/module terms is set to at least 1, even for those terms that do not annotate the `items`. :param items: a collection of :class:`hpotk.annotations.AnnotatedItem`\ s :param ontology: ontology with concepts used to annotate the `items` :param base: information content base or `None` for *e* (produces IC in `nats <>`_) :param module_root: the root of the ontology module to calculate the IC for. :param use_pseudocount: assume that each ontology term annotates at least one of the `items`. :return: a container with mappings from :class:`TermId` to information content in nats, bits, or else, depending on the `base` value """ ontology = validate_instance(ontology, MinimalOntology, 'ontology') graph = ontology.graph term_id_count: Counter[TermId] = Counter() module_term_ids: typing.Optional[typing.Set[TermId]] = None \ if module_root is None \ else set(graph.get_descendants(module_root, include_source=True)) for item in items: for annotation in item.annotations: if annotation.is_present: if module_root is not None and annotation.identifier not in module_term_ids: # annotation is not from the target module. continue for ancestor in graph.get_ancestors(annotation.identifier, include_source=True): if module_term_ids is None: # Not doing module term_id_count[ancestor] += 1 elif ancestor in module_term_ids: # Doing module and the ancestor is from the module term_id_count[ancestor] += 1 if use_pseudocount: # Set the count of all primary term IDs to at least one but DO NOT increment the count of the ancestor # that already count>=1 . # Note, in the HPO case, this will set count of non-phenotypic abnormalities (e.g. Clinical modifier) # to 1 as well. corpus = map(lambda t: t.identifier, ontology.terms) \ if module_root is None \ else module_term_ids for term_id in corpus: if term_id not in term_id_count: term_id_count[term_id] = 1 log_func = math.log if base is None else lambda c: math.log(c, base) population_count = term_id_count[graph.root] if module_root is None else term_id_count[module_root] data = {term_id: -log_func(count / population_count) for term_id, count in term_id_count.items()} metadata = {'annotated_items_version': items.version, 'ontology_version': ontology.version} return SimpleAnnotationIcContainer(data, metadata=metadata)