Source code for hpotk.algorithm.similarity._resnik

import functools
import logging
import re
import typing

from hpotk.constants.hpo.base import PHENOTYPIC_ABNORMALITY
from hpotk.model import TermId
from hpotk.ontology import MinimalOntology
from ._ic import AnnotationIcContainer
from ._model import SimilarityContainer
from .._traversal import get_descendants, get_ancestors, get_children

# implement Resnik IC computation starting from a collection of world documents
# and see if we can plug in excluded into the values.

HPO_PATTERN = re.compile(r"HP:(?P<ID>\d{7})")

logger = logging.getLogger('hpotk.algorithm.similarity')

def _get_common_ancestors(hpo: MinimalOntology,
                          left: TermId,
                          right: TermId) -> typing.FrozenSet[TermId]:
    la = get_ancestors(hpo, left, include_source=True)
    ra = get_ancestors(hpo, right, include_source=True)
    return la.intersection(ra)

[docs] def precalculate_ic_mica_for_hpo_concept_pairs(ic: AnnotationIcContainer, hpo: MinimalOntology) -> SimilarityContainer: """ Precalculate Resnik semantic similarity for HPO :class:`TermId` pairs. :param ic: a mapping for obtaining an information content of a :class:`TermId`. :param hpo: HPO ontology. :return: a mapping with Resnik similarity for :class:`TermId` pairs where the similarity :math:`s>0`. """ metadata = {'hpo_version': hpo.version} metadata.update(ic.metadata) data = SimilarityContainer(metadata=metadata) groups = list(get_children(hpo, PHENOTYPIC_ABNORMALITY)) count = 0 for section_top in groups: term = hpo.get_term(section_top) term_ids = list(get_descendants(hpo, section_top, include_source=True))'Calculating for {} with {len(term_ids) - 1} descendants') for i in range(len(term_ids)): left = term_ids[i] for j in range(i, len(term_ids)): right = term_ids[j] ic_mica = functools.reduce(max, map(lambda term_id: ic.get(term_id, 0.), _get_common_ancestors(hpo, left, right)), 0.) if left.value < right.value: a, b = left.value, right.value else: a, b = right.value, left.value if ic_mica > 0.: previous = data.get_similarity(a, b) data.set_similarity(a, b, max(ic_mica, previous)) count += 1 if count % 5_000 == 0 and count != 0:'Processed {count:,d} term pairs') return data