Source code for hpotk.annotations._api

import abc
import typing
import warnings

from hpotk.model import Identified, FrequencyAwareFeature, Versioned
from hpotk.model import TermId

# #####################################################################################################################
# The file describes generic schema for annotations, annotated items, and annotated item containers.
# An example application includes phenotypic features (annotations), diseases or samples (annotated items),
# and OMIM corpus (annotated item containers).
# #####################################################################################################################

class AnnotationBase(Identified, FrequencyAwareFeature, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

ANNOTATION = typing.TypeVar('ANNOTATION', bound=AnnotationBase)
A world item annotation with an identifier and present or excluded state.

[docs] class AnnotatedItem(typing.Generic[ANNOTATION], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An item that can be annotated with ontology terms. For instance, a disease can be annotated with phenotypic features, items from HPO ontology. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def annotations(self) -> typing.Collection[ANNOTATION]: """ :return: a collection of :class:`ANNOTATION` objects for the annotated item. """ pass
[docs] def present_annotations(self) -> typing.Iterable[ANNOTATION]: """ :return: an iterable over *present* annotations. """ return filter(lambda a: a.is_present, self.annotations)
[docs] def absent_annotations(self) -> typing.Iterable[ANNOTATION]: """ :return: an iterable over *absent* annotations. """ return filter(lambda a: a.is_absent, self.annotations)
ANNOTATED_ITEM = typing.TypeVar('ANNOTATED_ITEM', bound=AnnotatedItem) """ World item that is annotated with an :class:`ANNOTATION`. """
[docs] class AnnotatedItemContainer(typing.Generic[ANNOTATED_ITEM], typing.Iterable[ANNOTATED_ITEM], typing.Sized, Versioned, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Container for items that can be annotated with ontology terms. For instance, if OMIM disease is an item type and phenotypic feature is the annotation type, then a corpus of OMIM diseases corresponds to a container of annotated items. """ @property def items(self) -> typing.Collection[ANNOTATED_ITEM]: """ :return: an iterable over container items. """ # REMOVE(v1.0.0) warnings.warn(f'`items` property has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.0.0. ' f'Iterate directly over the container.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return list(self)
[docs] def item_ids(self) -> typing.Iterable[TermId]: """ :return: an iterable over all item identifiers. """ return map(lambda item: item.identifier, self)