Source code for hpotk.model._base

import abc
import typing
import warnings

from ._term_id import TermId

[docs] class Identified(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A mixin for entities that have an identifier in form of a :class:`TermId`. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def identifier(self) -> TermId: """ Get the identifier. """ pass
[docs] class ObservableFeature(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `ObservableFeature` represents a feature that can be either in a *present* or an *excluded* state in the investigated item(s). The simplest case is the presence or absence of a phenotypic feature, such as hexadactyly, in a study subject. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def is_present(self) -> bool: """ Test if the feature was observed in one or more items. :return: `True` if the feature was observed in one or more items. """ pass @property def is_absent(self) -> bool: """ Test if the feature is excluded. .. deprecated:: 0.2.1 Use :py:func:`is_excluded` instead. """ # REMOVE[v1.0.0] warnings.warn("`is_absent` was deprecated and will be removed in v1.0.0. Use `is_excluded` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.is_excluded @property def is_excluded(self) -> bool: """ Test if the feature was not observed in any of the items. :return: `True` if the feature was observed in *none* of the annotated item(s), and was, therefore, excluded. """ return not self.is_present
[docs] class FrequencyAwareFeature(ObservableFeature, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `FrequencyAwareFeature` entities describe the frequency of a feature in one or more annotated items. This is on top of the dichotomous state of :class:`ObservableFeature`, where the feature is present or excluded. For instance, we can represent the feature frequency in a collection of items, such as presence of a phenotypic feature, such as hexadactyly, in a cohort. The absolute counts are accessible via `numerator` and `denominator` properties. **IMPORTANT**: the implementor must ensure the following invariants: * the `numerator` must be a non-negative `int` * the `denominator` must be a positive `int` Use the convenience static method :py:func:`check_numerator_and_denominator` to check the invariants. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def numerator(self) -> int: """ Get the numerator, a non-negative `int` representing the count of annotated items where the annotation was present. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def denominator(self) -> int: """ Get the denominator, a positive `int` representing the total count of annotated items investigated for presence/absence of an annotation. """ pass
[docs] def frequency(self) -> float: """ Get a `float` in range :math:`[0, 1]` representing the ratio of the annotation in the annotated item(s). """ return self.numerator / self.denominator
@property def is_present(self) -> bool: return self.numerator != 0 @property def is_excluded(self) -> bool: return self.numerator == 0
[docs] @staticmethod def check_numerator_and_denominator(numerator: int, denominator: int) -> None: """ Check if the `numerator` and `denominator` satisfy the requirements described in :class:`FrequencyAwareFeature`. :return: `None` if the check passes or raises a `ValueError` if the `numerator` or `denominator` contain invalid values. """ if not isinstance(numerator, int) or numerator < 0: raise ValueError(f'Numerator {numerator} must be a non-negative `int`') if not isinstance(denominator, int) or denominator <= 0: raise ValueError(f'Denominator {denominator} must be a positive `int`')
[docs] class Named(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A mixin for entities that have human-readable name or a label. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """ Get the label. """ pass
[docs] class Versioned(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A mixin for entities that may have version. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def version(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Get a version `str` or `None` if the version is not available. """ pass
[docs] class MetadataAware(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A mixin for entities that have metadata. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def metadata(self) -> typing.MutableMapping[str, str]: """ Get a mapping with entity metadata. """ pass
[docs] def metadata_to_str(self) -> str: """ Dump the metadata to a `str`. """ forbidden = {';', '='} for k, v in self.metadata.items(): if any([token in k or token in v for token in forbidden]): raise ValueError(f'Metadata contains forbidden characters {forbidden}') return ';'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.metadata.items()])
[docs] @staticmethod def metadata_from_str(value: str) -> typing.Mapping[str, str]: """ Load the metadata from `str` created by :py:func:`metadata_to_str`. """ data = {} for item in value.split(';'): k, v = item.split('=') data[k] = v return data