Source code for hpotk.model._term

import hpotk
import abc
import enum
import typing

from ._base import Identified, Named
from ._term_id import TermId

[docs] class MinimalTerm(Identified, Named, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `MinimalTerm` is a data object with the minimal useful information about an ontology concept. Each term has: * `identifier` - a :class:`TermId` of the term (thanks to inheriting from :class:`Identified`) * `name` - a human-friendly name of the term (thanks to inheriting from :class:`Named`) * `alt_term_ids` - a sequence of *alternate identifiers* (IDs of obsolete terms that should be replaced by this term) * `is_obsolete` - the *obsoletion status* Most of the time, you should get terms from an :class:`hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology`. However, `MinimalTerm` can also be created from scratch using :func:`create_minimal_term` if you must do that from whatever reason. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create_minimal_term(term_id: typing.Union[TermId, str], name: str, alt_term_ids: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[TermId, str]], is_obsolete: bool): """ Create `MinimalTerm` from the components. .. doctest:: >>> seizure = MinimalTerm.create_minimal_term(term_id='HP:0001250', name='Seizure', ... alt_term_ids=('HP:0002279', 'HP:0002391'), ... is_obsolete=False) :param term_id: a `TermId` or a CURIE `str` (e.g. 'HP:0001250'). :param name: term name (e.g. Seizure) . :param alt_term_ids: an iterable with term IDs that represent the alternative IDs of the term. :param is_obsolete: `True` if the `MinimalTerm` has been obsoleted, or `False` otherwise. :return: the created term. """ return DefaultMinimalTerm(term_id, name, alt_term_ids, is_obsolete)
@property @abc.abstractmethod def alt_term_ids(self) -> typing.Sequence[TermId]: """ Get a sequence of identifiers of the ontology concepts that were obsoleted and should be replaced by the concept represented by this `Term`. """ pass @property def is_current(self) -> bool: """ Return `True` if the term is current (*not* obsolete) and `False` otherwise. """ return not self.is_obsolete @property @abc.abstractmethod def is_obsolete(self) -> bool: """ Return `True` if the term is obsolete (*not* current) and `False` otherwise. """ pass def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, MinimalTerm) \ and self.identifier == other.identifier \ and == \ and self.alt_term_ids == other.alt_term_ids \ and self.is_obsolete == other.is_obsolete def __str__(self): return f'MinimalTerm(' \ f'identifier="{self.identifier}", ' \ f'name="{}", ' \ f'alt_term_ids={self.alt_term_ids}, ' \ f'is_obsolete={self.is_obsolete})'
[docs] class SynonymCategory(enum.Enum): """ An enumeration of the synonym categories. """ EXACT = RELATED = BROAD = NARROW =
[docs] class SynonymType(enum.Enum): """ An enumeration of the synonym types, as provided by Obographs. """ LAYPERSON_TERM = ABBREVIATION = UK_SPELLING = OBSOLETE_SYNONYM = PLURAL_FORM = ALLELIC_REQUIREMENT = # We may not need these, unless we support ECTO # IUPAC_NAME = # INN = # BRAND_NAME = # IN_PART = # SYNONYM = # BLAST_NAME = # GENBANK_COMMON_NAME = # COMMON_NAME =
[docs] def is_obsolete(self) -> bool: """ Returns `True` if the synonym is obsolete (not current) and `False` otherwise. """ return self == SynonymType.OBSOLETE_SYNONYM
[docs] def is_current(self) -> bool: """ Returns `True` if the synonym is current (not obsolete) and `False` otherwise. """ return not self.is_obsolete()
[docs] class Synonym(Named): """ `Synonym` represents the information regarding a synonym of an ontology concept. """ def __init__(self, name: str, synonym_category: typing.Optional[SynonymCategory] = None, synonym_type: typing.Optional[SynonymType] = None, xrefs: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[TermId]] = None): self._name = name self._scat = synonym_category self._stype = synonym_type self._xrefs = xrefs @property def name(self) -> str: """ Get the name of the synonym """ return self._name @property def category(self) -> typing.Optional[SynonymCategory]: """ Get the synonym category - an instance of :class:`SynonymCategory` or ``None``. """ return self._scat @property def synonym_type(self) -> typing.Optional[SynonymType]: """ Get synonym type - an instance of :class:`SynonymType` or ``None``. """ return self._stype @property def xrefs(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[TermId]]: """ Get a sequence of identifiers of the cross-references of the ontology concept or ``None`` if there are none. """ return self._xrefs def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Synonym) \ and == \ and self.category == other.category \ and self.synonym_type == other.synonym_type \ and self.xrefs == other.xrefs def __str__(self): return f'Synonym(' \ f'name="{}", ' \ f'category={self.category}, ' \ f'synonym_type={self.synonym_type}, ' \ f'xrefs="{self.xrefs}")' def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] class Definition: """ `Definition` includes a definition and the cross-references. :param definition: a definition, e.g. *Abnormally long and slender fingers ("spider fingers").* for *Arachnodactyly*. :param xrefs: an iterable with definition cross-references, e.g. `('',)` for *Arachnodactyly*. """ def __init__( self, definition: str, xrefs: typing.Iterable[str], ): self._definition = hpotk.util.validate_instance(definition, str, 'definition') self._xrefs = tuple(xrefs) @property def definition(self) -> str: """ Get a `str` with the term definition. For instance, *Abnormally long and slender fingers ("spider fingers").* for *Arachnodactyly*. """ return self._definition @property def xrefs(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """ Get definition of cross-references of a definition. For instance, `('',)` for *Arachnodactyly*. """ return self._xrefs def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Definition) \ and self.definition == other.definition \ and self.xrefs == other.xrefs def __str__(self): return f'Definition(' \ f'definition="{self.definition}", ' \ f'xrefs={self.xrefs}")' def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] class Term(MinimalTerm, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A comprehensive representation of an ontology concept. `Term` has all attributes of the :class:`MinimalTerm` plus the following: * `definition` - an optional definition of the term, including a comprehensive description and cross-references * `comment` - an optional comment * `synonyms` - an optional sequence of term synonyms * `cross-references` - an optional sequence of cross-references Most of the time, you should be getting terms from :class:`hpotk.ontology.Ontology`. However, if you absolutely must craft a term or two by hand, use :func:`create_term` function. """ # TODO - add the remaining attributes from phenol's Term?
[docs] @staticmethod def create_term(identifier: typing.Union[TermId, str], name: str, alt_term_ids: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[TermId, str]], is_obsolete: bool, definition: typing.Optional[typing.Union[Definition, str]], comment: typing.Optional[str], synonyms: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[Synonym]], xrefs: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[TermId]]): """ Create a `MinimalTerm` from the components. :param identifier: a `TermId` or a CURIE (e.g. 'HP:0001250'). :param name: term name (e.g. Seizure). :param alt_term_ids: an iterable with term IDs that represent the alternative IDs of the term. :param is_obsolete: `True` if the `MinimalTerm` has been obsoleted, or `False` otherwise. :param definition: an optional `str` with a definition of the term or a :class:`Definition` with the full info. :param comment: an optional comment of the term. :param synonyms: an optional iterable with all synonyms of the term. :param xrefs: an optional iterable with all the cross-references. :return: the created term. """ if isinstance(definition, str): definition = Definition(definition, ()) return DefaultTerm(identifier, name, alt_term_ids, is_obsolete, definition, comment, synonyms, xrefs)
@property @abc.abstractmethod def definition(self) -> typing.Optional[Definition]: """ Get the definition of the ontology concept. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def comment(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Get the comment string of the ontology concept. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def synonyms(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[Synonym]]: """ Get a sequence of all synonyms (including obsolete) of the ontology concept or `None` if the concept has no synonyms. """ pass
[docs] def current_synonyms(self) -> typing.Iterable[Synonym]: """ Get an iterable with *current* synonyms of the ontology concept. The iterable is empty if the concept has no current synonyms. """ return self._synonyms_iter(lambda synonym: synonym.synonym_type is None or synonym.synonym_type.is_current())
[docs] def obsolete_synonyms(self) -> typing.Iterable[Synonym]: """ Get an iterable with *obsolete* synonyms of the ontology concept. The iterable is empty if the concept has no obsolete synonyms. """ return self._synonyms_iter(lambda synonym: synonym.synonym_type is not None and synonym.synonym_type.is_obsolete())
def _synonyms_iter(self, filter_f): if self.synonyms is None: return () else: for synonym in self.synonyms: if filter_f(synonym): yield synonym @property @abc.abstractmethod def xrefs(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[TermId]]: """ Get a sequence of the cross-references of the ontology concept. """ pass def __eq__(self, other): return MinimalTerm.__eq__(self, other) \ and isinstance(other, Term) \ and self.definition == other.definition \ and self.comment == other.comment \ and self.synonyms == other.synonyms \ and self.xrefs == other.xrefs def __str__(self): return f'Term(' \ f'identifier={self.identifier}, ' \ f'name="{}", ' \ f'definition={self.definition}, ' \ f'comment={self.comment}, ' \ f'synonyms={self.synonyms}, ' \ f'xrefs={self.xrefs}, ' \ f'is_obsolete={self.is_obsolete}, ' \ f'alt_term_ids="{self.alt_term_ids}")'
def map_to_term_id(value: typing.Union[TermId, str]) -> TermId: if isinstance(value, TermId): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return TermId.from_curie(value) else: raise ValueError(f'Expected a `TermId` or `str` but got {type(value)}') def validate_name(name: typing.Optional[str]) -> str: # Some obsolete nodes do not have labels in the Obographs format. # We assign an empty string. if name is None: return '' else: return hpotk.util.validate_instance(name, str, 'name') class DefaultMinimalTerm(MinimalTerm): def __init__(self, identifier: typing.Union[TermId, str], name: str, alt_term_ids: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[TermId, str]], is_obsolete: bool): self._id = hpotk.util.validate_instance(map_to_term_id(identifier), TermId, 'identifier') self._name = validate_name(name) self._alts = tuple(map(map_to_term_id, alt_term_ids)) self._is_obsolete = hpotk.util.validate_instance(is_obsolete, bool, 'is_obsolete') @property def identifier(self) -> TermId: return self._id @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def alt_term_ids(self) -> typing.Sequence[TermId]: return self._alts @property def is_obsolete(self) -> bool: return self._is_obsolete def __repr__(self): return f'DefaultMinimalTerm(' \ f'identifier={self._id},' \ f' name="{self._name}",' \ f' is_obsolete={self._is_obsolete},' \ f' alt_term_ids="{self._alts}")' def validate_synonyms(synonyms: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[Synonym]]): if synonyms is None: return None else: validated = [] for i, s in enumerate(synonyms): validated.append(hpotk.util.validate_instance(s, Synonym, f'synonym #{i}')) return tuple(validated) class DefaultTerm(DefaultMinimalTerm, Term): def __init__(self, identifier: typing.Union[TermId, str], name: str, alt_term_ids: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[TermId, str]], is_obsolete: bool, definition: typing.Optional[Definition], comment: typing.Optional[str], synonyms: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[Synonym]], xrefs: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[typing.Union[TermId, str]]]): DefaultMinimalTerm.__init__(self, identifier=identifier, name=name, alt_term_ids=alt_term_ids, is_obsolete=is_obsolete) self._definition = hpotk.util.validate_optional_instance(definition, Definition, 'definition') self._comment = hpotk.util.validate_optional_instance(comment, str, 'comment') self._synonyms = validate_synonyms(synonyms) self._xrefs = tuple(map(map_to_term_id, xrefs)) if xrefs is not None else None @property def definition(self) -> typing.Optional[Definition]: return self._definition @property def comment(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: return self._comment @property def synonyms(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[Synonym]]: return self._synonyms @property def xrefs(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[TermId]]: return self._xrefs def __repr__(self): return f'DefaultTerm(' \ f'identifier={self._id}, ' \ f'name="{self._name}", ' \ f'definition={self._definition}, ' \ f'comment={self._comment}, ' \ f'synonyms={self._synonyms}, ' \ f'xrefs={self._xrefs}, ' \ f'is_obsolete={self._is_obsolete}, ' \ f'alt_term_ids="{self._alts}")'