Source code for hpotk.ontology._api

import abc
import typing

from hpotk.model import ID, CURIE_OR_TERM_ID_OR_IDENTIFIED, TERM, MINIMAL_TERM, Versioned
from hpotk.graph import GraphAware

[docs] class MinimalOntology(typing.Generic[ID, MINIMAL_TERM], GraphAware[ID], Versioned, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `MinimalOntology` is a data structure for representing the ontology terms and the ontology hierarchy. The typical way to load the ontology is by parsing Obographs JSON file using :class:``, see :ref:`rstload-ontology` section for more info. Here we will load a toy HPO shipped with the documentation: >>> import os >>> import hpotk >>> fpath_hpo = os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json') >>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(fpath_hpo) The ontology includes the following: * ontology hierarchy as :class:`hpotk.graph.OntologyGraph` * ontology terms as :class:`hpotk.model.MinimalTerm` * the metadata, such as the ontology version The ontology acts as a Python container of term IDs, we can check if a term is in the ontology as: >>> seizure_curie = 'HP:0001250' >>> seizure_curie in hpo True This works for term IDs too: >>> seizure_id = hpotk.TermId.from_curie(seizure_curie) >>> seizure_id in hpo True The ontology has length - the number of *primary* terms: >>> len(hpo) 393 .. note:: The toy HPO has only 393 terms. Real-life HPO has much more terms. The terms of `MinimalOntology` are instances of :class:`hpotk.model.MinimalTerm`. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def term_ids(self) -> typing.Iterator[ID]: """ Get an iterator over term IDs of the primary AND obsolete ontology terms. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def terms(self) -> typing.Iterator[MINIMAL_TERM]: """ Get an iterator over current terms (*not* obsolete terms). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_term(self, term_id: CURIE_OR_TERM_ID_OR_IDENTIFIED) -> typing.Optional[MINIMAL_TERM]: """ Get the current term for a `term_id`. .. testsetup:: >>> import os, hpotk >>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json')) >>> seizure = hpo.get_term('HP:0001250') >>> 'Seizure' :param term_id: a CURIE `str` (e.g. 'HP:1234567'), a :class:`hpotk.model.TermId` or an :class:`hpotk.model.Identified` entity that represents a *current* or an *obsolete* term. :return: the current term or `None` if the ontology does not contain the term ID. """ pass
[docs] def get_term_name(self, term_id: CURIE_OR_TERM_ID_OR_IDENTIFIED) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Get the name of the term with a `term_id`. .. testsetup:: >>> import os, hpotk >>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json')) >>> seizure_name = hpo.get_term_name('HP:0001250') >>> seizure_name 'Seizure' :param term_id: a CURIE `str` (e.g. 'HP:1234567'), a :class:`hpotk.model.TermId` or an :class:`hpotk.model.Identified` entity that represents a *current* or an *obsolete* term. :return: name of the term if the term is in ontology or `None` otherwise. """ term = self.get_term(term_id) return if term else None
def __contains__(self, term_id: CURIE_OR_TERM_ID_OR_IDENTIFIED) -> bool: """ Test if the ontology contains a `term_id`. Use :func:`get_term` if you want to use the corresponding term apart from knowing that it is there. .. testsetup:: >>> import os, hpotk >>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json')) >>> 'HP:0001250' in hpo # CURIE True >>> term_id = hpotk.TermId.from_curie('HP:0001250') >>> term_id in hpo True >>> seizure = hpo.get_term('HP:0001250') >>> seizure in hpo True :param term_id: a CURIE `str` (e.g. HP:1234567'), a :class:`hpotk.model.TermId` or an :class:`hpotk.model.Identified` entity that represents a *current* or an *obsolete* term. :return: `True` if the term is in the ontology and `False` otherwise. """ return self.get_term(term_id) is not None @abc.abstractmethod def __len__(self): """ Get the number of the primary (non-obsolete) terms in the ontology. .. testsetup:: >>> import os, hpotk >>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json')) >>> len(hpo) 393 :return: the number of primary terms """ pass
[docs] class Ontology(MinimalOntology[ID, TERM], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An ontology with all information available for terms. The terms `Ontology` are instances of :class:`hpotk.model.Term`. """ pass