Source code for

import abc
import enum
import io
import logging
import os
import shutil
import typing

from hpotk.ontology import MinimalOntology, Ontology
from hpotk.ontology.load.obographs import load_minimal_ontology, load_ontology
from hpotk.util import validate_instance

[docs] class OntologyType(enum.Enum): """ Enum with the ontologies supported by the :class:`OntologyStore`. """ HPO = 'HPO', 'HP' """ Human Phenotype Ontology. """ MAxO = 'MAxO', 'MAXO' """ Medical Action Ontology. """ MONDO = 'MONDO', 'MONDO' """ Mondo Disease Ontology. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = args[0] return obj def __init__(self, _: str, identifier: str): self._id_ = identifier @property def identifier(self) -> str: """ Get a `str` with the ontology identifier (e.g. ``HP`` for HPO). >>> from import OntologyType >>> OntologyType.HPO.identifier 'HP' >>> OntologyType.MAxO.identifier 'MAXO' """ return self._id_
[docs] class RemoteOntologyService(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `RemoteOntologyService` knows how to open a :class:`typing.BinaryIO` for reading content of an `ontology_type` of a particular `release`. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fetch_ontology( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, release: str, ) -> io.BufferedIOBase: """ Open a connection for reading bytes of the `ontology_type` from a remote resource. :param ontology_type: the desired ontology kind, e.g. :class:`OntologyType.HPO`. :param release: a `str` with the desired ontology release. :return: a binary IO for reading the ontology data. """ pass
[docs] class OntologyReleaseService(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ `OntologyReleaseService` knows how to fetch ontology release tags, such as `v2023-10-09` for HPO. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fetch_tags( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, ) -> typing.Iterable[str]: """ Fetch sequence of tags for an ontology. :param ontology_type: the target ontology type. :return: """ pass
[docs] class OntologyStore: """ `OntologyStore` stores versions of the supported ontologies. """ def __init__( self, store_dir: str, ontology_release_service: OntologyReleaseService, remote_ontology_service: RemoteOntologyService, ): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._store_dir = store_dir self._ontology_release_service = validate_instance( ontology_release_service, OntologyReleaseService, 'ontology_release_service', ) self._remote_ontology_service = validate_instance( remote_ontology_service, RemoteOntologyService, 'remote_ontology_service', )
[docs] def load_minimal_ontology( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> MinimalOntology: """ Load a `release` of a given `ontology_type` as a minimal ontology. :param ontology_type: the desired ontology type, see :class:`OntologyType` for a list of supported ontologies. :param release: a `str` with the ontology release tag or `None` if the latest ontology should be fetched. :param kwargs: key-value arguments passed to the low-level loader function (currently :func:`load_minimal_ontology`). :return: a minimal ontology. """ return self._impl_load_ontology( load_minimal_ontology, ontology_type, release, **kwargs, )
[docs] def load_ontology( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Ontology: """ Load a `release` of a given `ontology_type` as an ontology. :param ontology_type: the desired ontology type, see :class:`OntologyType` for a list of supported ontologies. :param release: a `str` with the ontology release tag or `None` if the latest ontology should be fetched. :param kwargs: key-value arguments passed to the low-level loader function (currently :func:`load_ontology`). :return: an ontology. :raises ValueError: if the `release` corresponds to a non-existing ontology release. """ return self._impl_load_ontology( load_ontology, ontology_type, release, **kwargs, )
@property def store_dir(self) -> str: """ Get a `str` with a platform specific absolute path to the data directory. The data directory points to `$HOME/.hpo-toolkit` on UNIX and `$HOME/hpo-toolkit` on Windows. The folder is created if it does not exist. """ return self._store_dir
[docs] def load_minimal_hpo( self, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> MinimalOntology: """ A convenience method for loading a specific HPO release. :param release: an optional `str` with the desired HPO release (if `None`, the latest HPO will be provided). :return: a :class:`hpotk.MinimalOntology` with the HPO data. :raises ValueError: if the `release` corresponds to a non-existing HPO release. """ return self.load_minimal_ontology( OntologyType.HPO, release=release, prefixes_of_interest={'HP'}, )
[docs] def load_hpo( self, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> Ontology: """ A convenience method for loading a specific HPO release. :param release: an optional `str` with the desired HPO release (if `None`, the latest HPO will be provided). :return: a :class:`hpotk.Ontology` with the HPO data. :raises ValueError: if the `release` corresponds to a non-existing HPO release. """ return self.load_ontology( OntologyType.HPO, release=release, prefixes_of_interest={'HP'}, )
[docs] def clear( self, ontology_type: typing.Optional[OntologyType] = None, ): """ Clear all ontology resources or resources of selected `ontology_type`. :param ontology_type: the ontology to be cleared or `None` if resources of *all* ontologies should be cleared. """ to_delete = [] if ontology_type is None: to_delete.extend(os.listdir(self._store_dir)) else: to_delete.append(os.path.join(self._store_dir, ontology_type.identifier)) for item in to_delete: full_path = os.path.join(self._store_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(full_path): shutil.rmtree(full_path) else: os.remove(full_path)
[docs] def resolve_store_path( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Resolve the path of the ontology resource (e.g. HPO `hp.json` file) within the ontology store. Note, the path points to the location of the ontology resource in the local filesystem. The path may point to a non-existing file, if the load function has not been run yet. **Example** >>> import hpotk >>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store() >>> store.resolve_store_path(, release='v2023-10-09') # doctest: +SKIP '/home/user/.hpo-toolkit/HP/hp.v2023-10-09.json' :param ontology_type: the desired ontology type, see :class:`OntologyType` for a list of supported ontologies. :param release: an optional `str` with the desired ontology release (if `None`, the latest ontology will be provided). :return: a `str` with path to the ontology resource. """ fdir_ontology = os.path.join(self._store_dir, ontology_type.identifier) if release is None: # Fetch the latest release tag, assuming the lexicographic tag sort order. release = self._fetch_latest_release_if_missing(ontology_type) return os.path.join( fdir_ontology, f"{ontology_type.identifier.lower()}.{release}.json" )
def _fetch_latest_release_if_missing( self, ontology_type: OntologyType, ) -> str: """ Retrieve the latest release tag of the given `ontology_type`. :param ontology_type: the ontology resource of interest :return: a `str` with the latest ontology tag :raises ValueError` if unable to retrieve the latest release tag from the ontology release service """ # Fetch the latest release tag, assuming the lexicographic tag sort order. latest_tag = max( self._ontology_release_service.fetch_tags(ontology_type), default=None ) if latest_tag is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to retrieve the latest tag for {ontology_type}") return latest_tag def _impl_load_ontology( self, loader_func, ontology_type: OntologyType, release: typing.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): if release is None: release = self._fetch_latest_release_if_missing(ontology_type) fpath_ontology = self.resolve_store_path(ontology_type, release) # Download ontology if missing. if not os.path.isfile(fpath_ontology): fdir_ontology = os.path.dirname(fpath_ontology) os.makedirs(fdir_ontology, exist_ok=True) with self._remote_ontology_service.fetch_ontology( ontology_type, release ) as response, open(fpath_ontology, "wb") as fh_ontology: fh_ontology.write( self._logger.debug("Stored the ontology at %s", fpath_ontology) # Load the ontology return loader_func(fpath_ontology, **kwargs)