Source code for hpotk.util._io

import gzip
import io
import logging
import ssl
import sys
import typing
import warnings
from urllib.request import urlopen

import certifi

[docs] def looks_like_url(file: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the `file` looks like a URL. :param file: file to check. :return: `True` if the `file` starts with `http://` or `https://`. """ return file.startswith('http://') or file.startswith('https://')
[docs] def looks_gzipped(file: str) -> bool: """ Checks file suffix to determine if it looks gzipped. :param file: file path to check. :return: `True` if the `file` ends with `.gz`. """ return file.endswith('.gz')
def _parse_encoding(encoding, logger) -> str: if encoding is None: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() logger.debug(f'Using default encoding \'{encoding}\'') else: logger.debug(f'Using provided encoding \'{encoding}\'') return encoding
[docs] def open_text_io_handle_for_reading( fh: typing.Union[typing.IO, str], timeout: int = 30, encoding: str = None, ) -> typing.TextIO: """ Open a `io.TextIO` file handle based on `fh`. :param fh: a `str` or `typing.IO` to read from. If `str`, then it should be a path to a local file or a URL of a remote resource. Either `http` or `https` protocols are supported. The content will be uncompressed on the fly if the file name ends with `.gz`. If `fh` is an IO wrapper, the function ensures we get a text wrapper that uses given encoding. :param timeout: timeout in seconds used when accessing a remote resource. :param encoding: encoding used to decode the input or the system preferred encoding if unset. :return: the :class:`io.TextIO` wrapper. """ logger = logging.getLogger('hpotk.util') encoding = _parse_encoding(encoding, logger) logger.debug(f'Opening {fh}') if isinstance(fh, str): # Can be a path to local file or URL if looks_like_url(fh): ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) logger.debug(f'Looks like a URL: {fh}') if not isinstance(timeout, int) or timeout <= 0: raise ValueError(f'If {fh} looks like URL then timeout {timeout} must be a positive `int`') logger.debug(f'Downloading with timeout={timeout}s') handle = urlopen( fh, timeout=timeout, context=ctx, ) else: logger.debug(f'Looks like a local file: {fh}') handle = open(fh, 'rb') if looks_gzipped(fh): logger.debug(f'Looks like a gzipped data, decompressing on the fly') return, mode='rt', newline='', encoding=encoding) else: logger.debug(f'Looks like decompressed data') return io.TextIOWrapper(handle, encoding=encoding) elif isinstance(fh, typing.IO): if isinstance(fh, typing.BinaryIO): logger.debug(f'Looks like a binary IO') return io.TextIOWrapper(fh, encoding=encoding) elif isinstance(fh, typing.TextIO): return fh else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type {type(fh)}') else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type {type(fh)}')
def open_text_io_handle(fh: typing.Union[typing.IO, str], timeout: int = 30, encoding: str = None) -> typing.TextIO: """ Open a `io.TextIO` file handle based on `fh`. :param fh: a `str` or `typing.IO` to read from. If `str`, then it should be a path to a local file or a URL of a remote resource. Either `http` or `https` protocols are supported. The content will be uncompressed on the fly if the file name ends with `.gz`. If `fh` is an IO wrapper, the function ensures we get a text wrapper that uses given encoding. :param timeout: timeout in seconds used when accessing a remote resource. :param encoding: encoding used to decode the input or the system preferred encoding if unset. :return: the :class:`io.TextIO` wrapper. """ # REMOVE(v1.0.0) warnings.warn('The method has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.0.0. ' 'Use `open_text_io_handle_for_reading` instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return open_text_io_handle_for_reading(fh, timeout, encoding)
[docs] def open_text_io_handle_for_writing(fh: typing.Union[str, typing.IO], encoding: str = None) -> typing.TextIO: """ Open a `io.TextIO` file handle based on `fpath`. :param fh: a `str` with a path to a local file The content will be compressed on the fly if the file name ends with `.gz`. :param encoding: encoding used to encode the output or the system preferred encoding if unset. :return: a :class:`io.TextIO` wrapper. """ logger = logging.getLogger('hpotk.util') encoding = _parse_encoding(encoding, logger) if isinstance(fh, str): if looks_gzipped(fh): logger.debug(f'Looks like a gzipped data, compressing on the fly') return, mode='wt', newline='', encoding=encoding) else: return open(fh, 'w') elif isinstance(fh, typing.BinaryIO): logger.debug(f'Looks like a binary IO') return io.TextIOWrapper(fh, encoding=encoding) elif isinstance(fh, typing.TextIO): return fh else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected type {type(fh)}')