import abc
import typing
import warnings
import numpy as np
from hpotk.graph import OntologyGraph, GraphAware
from hpotk.model import TermId, Identified
from ._api import TermIdSorting
def to_term_id(item: typing.Union[TermId, Identified]) -> TermId:
Private utility method for converting the input into a `TermId`.
if isinstance(item, TermId):
return item
elif isinstance(item, Identified):
return item.identifier
raise ValueError(f'Item {item} is not `TermId` or `Identified` but it is {type(item)}')
def to_ontology_graph(hpo: typing.Union[GraphAware, OntologyGraph]) -> OntologyGraph:
if isinstance(hpo, OntologyGraph):
return hpo
elif isinstance(hpo, GraphAware):
return hpo.graph
raise ValueError(f'`hpo` must be an instance of `OntologyGraph` or `GraphAware` but was {type(hpo)}')
class Node(Identified):
# Private API
def merge_nodes(identifier, left, right):
return Node(identifier, tag=False, left=left, right=right)
def make_tagged_node(identifier: TermId):
return Node(identifier=identifier, tag=True)
def __init__(self, identifier: TermId,
tag: bool,
self._id = identifier
self._is_tagged = tag
self._left = left
self._right = right
def identifier(self) -> TermId:
return self._id
def is_tagged(self) -> bool:
return self._is_tagged
def left(self):
return self._left
def right(self):
return self._right
def __repr__(self):
return (f"Node(identifier={self._id}, "
f"is_tagged={self._is_tagged}, "
f"left={self._left}, "
class SimilarityMeasure(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# Private API
def compute_similarity(self, left: typing.Union[TermId, Identified],
right: typing.Union[TermId, Identified]) -> typing.Tuple[float, TermId]:
Compute similarity of two term IDs along with the most specific node.
:param left: an ontology node.
:param right: other ontology node.
:return: a tuple with node similarity and the most specific node
class IcSimilarityMeasure(SimilarityMeasure):
`IcSimilarityMeasure` uses information content of the most informative common ancestor as the similarity measure
and MICA as the most specific node.
# Private API
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware],
ic_source: typing.Callable[[TermId], float]):
self._hpo = to_ontology_graph(hpo)
self._ic_source = ic_source
def compute_similarity(self, left: typing.Union[TermId, Identified],
right: typing.Union[TermId, Identified]) -> typing.Tuple[float, TermId]:
# Find the common ancestors of `a` and `b` and find the most informative common ancestor
# along with its information content.
a_anc = set(self._hpo.get_ancestors(left, include_source=True))
b_anc = set(self._hpo.get_ancestors(right, include_source=True))
common_ancestors = a_anc.intersection(b_anc)
return max(
map(lambda t: (self._ic_source(t), t), common_ancestors),
key=lambda tup: tup[0], # Order by similarity
default=(0., None)
class EdgeSimilarityMeasure(SimilarityMeasure):
`EdgeSimilarityMeasure` uses the reciprocal of the edge distance as a similarity and most specific common ancestor
as the most specific node.
Note, if two paths exist between the query nodes through two separate nodes that also happen to be the most specific
common ancestors, then one of them is chosen at random.
# Private API
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware]):
self._hpo = to_ontology_graph(hpo)
def compute_similarity(self, left: typing.Union[TermId, Identified],
right: typing.Union[TermId, Identified]) -> typing.Tuple[float, TermId]:
dist, node = self.calculate_edge_distance(left, right)
sim = 1 if dist == 0 else 1 / dist
return sim, node
def calculate_edge_distance(self, left: TermId, right: TermId) -> typing.Tuple[int, TermId]:
left, right = to_term_id(left), to_term_id(right)
if left == right:
# Distance to self is `0`.
return 0, left
left_dist = self._get_ancestor_distances(left)
right_dist = self._get_ancestor_distances(right)
return self._find_minimum_distance(left_dist, right_dist)
def _get_ancestor_distances(self, src: TermId) -> typing.Mapping[TermId, int]:
distances = {}
seen = set()
stack = [(0, src)]
while stack:
distance, term_id = stack.pop()
current = distance + 1
for parent in self._hpo.get_parents(term_id):
if parent not in seen:
stack.append((current, parent))
if term_id in distances:
# We must keep the shortest distance
distances[term_id] = min(distances[term_id], distance)
distances[term_id] = distance
return distances
def _find_minimum_distance(left_dist: typing.Mapping[TermId, int],
right_dist: typing.Mapping[TermId, int]) -> typing.Tuple[int, TermId]:
dist = None
ancestor = None
for shared in left_dist.keys() & right_dist.keys():
current = left_dist[shared] + right_dist[shared]
if dist is None:
dist = current
ancestor = shared
if current < dist:
# Note: we do not update if current = dist. In result, I suspect that the algorithm is not "stable"
# in terms of sorting.
dist = current
ancestor = shared
return dist, ancestor
class HierarchicalSorting(TermIdSorting, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`HierarchicalSorting` implements the hierarchical clustering functionality using
given similarity measure.
# Private API
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware],
sim_measure: SimilarityMeasure,
epsilon: float = 5e-10):
self._hpo = to_ontology_graph(hpo)
self._sim_measure = sim_measure
self._epsilon = epsilon
def argsort(self, term_ids: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[TermId, Identified]]) -> typing.Sequence[int]:
if len(term_ids) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'Term ID sequence must not be empty!')
term_ids = tuple(self._to_term_id(item) for item in term_ids)
nodes = list(Node.make_tagged_node(tid) for tid in term_ids)
node = self._hierarchical_cluster(nodes)
ordered = []
self._inorder_walk(node, ordered)
return self._find_indices(term_ids, ordered)
def _hierarchical_cluster(self, nodes: typing.MutableSequence[Node]) -> Node:
while len(nodes) > 1:
n_nodes = len(nodes)
sims = np.zeros(shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes))
ancestors = np.empty(shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes), dtype=object)
for row in range(0, n_nodes):
for col in range(row + 1, n_nodes):
ic, sim = self._sim_measure.compute_similarity(nodes[row], nodes[col])
sims[row, col] = ic
sims[col, row] = ic
ancestors[row, col] = sim
ancestors[col, row] = sim
max_row, max_col = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(sims, axis=None), sims.shape)
sim_anc = sims[max_row, max_col]
if sim_anc <= self._epsilon:
# sim is close to zero - should happen when there is no good match left for the remaining nodes,
# and we need to cluster the rest kind of arbitrarily
a = nodes.pop()
b = nodes.pop()
_, sim = self._sim_measure.compute_similarity(a, b)
node = Node.merge_nodes(sim, a, b)
# Let's cluster together the most similar term id pair.
max_term_id = ancestors[max_row, max_col]
a = nodes.pop(max(max_row, max_col))
b = nodes.pop(min(max_row, max_col))
node = Node.merge_nodes(max_term_id, a, b)
return nodes[0]
def _inorder_walk(self, node: Node,
collector: typing.MutableSequence[TermId]):
# Traverse the node and collect the tagged nodes in the collector.
if node.left is not None:
self._inorder_walk(node.left, collector)
if node.is_tagged:
if node.right is not None:
self._inorder_walk(node.right, collector)
def _to_term_id(item: typing.Union[TermId, Identified]) -> TermId:
if isinstance(item, TermId):
return item
elif isinstance(item, Identified):
return item.identifier
raise ValueError(f'Item {item} is not `TermId` or `Identified` but it is {type(item)}')
def _find_indices(source: typing.Sequence[TermId],
ordered: typing.Sequence[TermId]) -> typing.Sequence[int]:
Find indices that will sort `source` to the order of `ordered` sequence.
assert len(source) == len(ordered)
return tuple(source.index(s) for s in ordered)
class HierarchicalEdgeTermIdSorting(HierarchicalSorting):
`HierarchicalEdgeTermIdSorting` uses hierarchical clustering to sort the term IDs.
The clustering uses edge distance as a proxy to the term similarity.
- Does *not* maintain order if the input is already sorted.
:param hpo: HPO ontology graph or a graph aware instance.
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware]):
super().__init__(hpo, EdgeSimilarityMeasure(hpo))
class HierarchicalIcTermIdSorting(HierarchicalSorting):
`HierarchicalIcTermIdSorting` uses hierarchical clustering to sort the term IDs.
The clustering uses Resnik term similarity to assess term similarity.
- Does *not* maintain order if the input is already sorted.
:param hpo: HPO ontology graph or a graph aware instance.
:param ic_source: a callable for getting the information content (IC) as a `float` for a term ID.
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware],
ic_source: typing.Callable[[TermId], float]):
super().__init__(hpo, IcSimilarityMeasure(hpo, ic_source))
def argsort(self, term_ids: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[TermId, Identified]]) -> typing.Sequence[int]:
if len(term_ids) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'Term ID sequence must not be empty!')
term_ids = tuple(to_term_id(item) for item in term_ids)
nodes = list(Node.make_tagged_node(tid) for tid in term_ids)
node = self._hierarchical_cluster(nodes)
ordered = []
self._inorder_walk(node, ordered)
return self._find_indices(term_ids, ordered)
class HierarchicalSimilaritySorting(HierarchicalIcTermIdSorting):
`HierarchicalSimilaritySorting` uses hierarchical clustering to sort the term IDs.
The clustering uses Resnik term similarity to assess term similarity.
- Does *not* maintain order if the input is already sorted.
:param hpo: HPO ontology graph or a graph aware instance.
:param ic_source: a callable for getting the information content (IC) as a `float` for a term ID.
def __init__(self, hpo: typing.Union[OntologyGraph, GraphAware],
ic_source: typing.Callable[[TermId], float]):
super().__init__(hpo, ic_source)
warnings.warn("HierarchicalSimilaritySorting was deprecated and will be remove in v1.0.0. "
"Use HierarchicalIcTermIdSorting instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)