Load ontology

Loading HPO is the first item of all analysis task lists. HPO toolkit supports loading the ontology data from an Obographs JSON file which is available for download from the HPO website.

Ontology loaders

HPO toolkit provides 2 ways for loading an ontology: a low-level loader and a high-level OntologyStore.

Low level loader

The low-level loader function loads a hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology from a local or remote resource. The loader will open the resource and parse its contents into an ontology. Any failure is reported as an exception.

Let’s load the HPO version released on Oct 9th, 2023:

>>> import hpotk

>>> url = 'https://github.com/obophenotype/human-phenotype-ontology/releases/download/v2023-10-09/hp.json'
>>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(url)
>>> hpo.version

We use the hpotk.ontology.load.obographs.load_minimal_ontology() function to fetch the Obographs JSON file and to load the data into hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology.


The loader can fetch the HPO from a local path (relative or absolute), or from a URL, and it transparently handles decompression of gzipped files if the file name has a .gz suffix.

A similar loader function hpotk.ontology.load.obographs.load_ontology() exists to load an hpotk.ontology.Ontology.

Loading other ontologies

HPO toolkit primarily supports HPO, but few other ontologies were tested as an experimental feature.

HPO toolkit should load Medical Action Ontology (MAxO) and Mondo Disease Ontology (MONDO). For instance:

>>> url = 'https://github.com/monarch-initiative/MAxO/releases/download/v2024-05-24/maxo.json'
>>> maxo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(url, prefixes_of_interest={'MAXO'})
>>> maxo.version

We provided prefixes_of_interest option to limit the terms to those with MAXO prefix, effectively discarding all terms of other ontologies from the loading process. In result, the ontology includes only the MAXO terms along with the corresponding ontology graph.

Ontology store

Alternatively, we can use the hpotk.util.store.OntologyStore, a class that wraps the low-level loader and provides more convenience.

Using OntologyStore provides several benefits. OntologyStore caches the ontology data files in a local directory to prevent downloading a HPO release more than once, to save time spent during slow network access.

>>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store()
>>> hpo = store.load_minimal_hpo(release='v2023-10-09')
>>> hpo.version

The store will download the ontology file the first time a release (e.g. v2023-10-09) is requested, and subsequent loads will skip the download. The release must be a release tag, as defined in the tag section of the HPO release page.

Moreover, OntologyStore will load the latest release, if the release option is omitted.

>>> hpo_latest = store.load_minimal_hpo()  
>>> hpo_latest.version  

As of the time of this writing, 2024-03-06 is the latest HPO release.

The store exposes the path of the ontology resources. For HPO, this is the path to the JSON file:

>>> fpath_hpo = store.resolve_store_path(ontology_type=hpotk.OntologyType.HPO, release='v2023-10-09')
>>> fpath_hpo  

The ontology resources can be cleaned to remove the content of the local directory:

>>> store.clear()  

Support for other ontologies

HPO toolkit was developed to work best with HPO, since it is the flagship ontology of the toolkit’s developers. However, support for loading of several other ontologies was tested as an experimental feature:

Let’s start with loading MAxO:

>>> maxo = store.load_minimal_ontology(
...     hpotk.store.OntologyType.MAxO, release="v2024-05-24",
...     prefixes_of_interest={'MAXO'},
... )

Note that we added the prefixes_of_interest option - a set of term prefixes that should be kept when loading the ontology file.

Mondo is loaded in a very similar fashion:

>>> mondo = store.load_minimal_ontology(
...     hpotk.OntologyType.MONDO, release='v2024-06-04',
...     prefixes_of_interest={'MONDO',},
... )

Note, this guide shows the loading with a set versions. However, other versions are supported as long as an existing release tag is used. Check the ontology releases for the available tags.

Next steps

Loading an ontology is a prerequisite for doing anything useful with the ontology data. Check out the Use ontology section for an overview of the functionality.