Use ontology hierarchy

As a refresher, the ontology is a terminology that consists of a list of standardized concepts of a domain along with semantic relationships between the domain concepts. We can model the ontology using a graph data structure that consists of nodes (concepts/terms) and edges (relationships). HPO toolkit does not currently attempt to model the entire complexity of ontologies (e.g all kinds of relationship types) and instead focuses solely on a single relationship type: “is_a” to represent the concept hierarchy.

HPO toolkit enables accessing the ontology hierarchy through the hpotk.graph.OntologyGraph API which is in turn available through hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology. In other words, each ontology has the ontology graph as a property:

>>> import os
>>> import hpotk
>>> fpath_hpo = os.path.join('docs', 'data', 'hp.toy.json')
>>> hpo = hpotk.load_minimal_ontology(fpath_hpo)
>>> hpo.graph
CsrIndexedOntologyGraph(root=HP:0000001, n_nodes=393)

We can leverage the hierarchy to infer a lot of extra information about the concepts, and, for instance, empower fuzzy searches. The applications usually use lower-level routines that perform ontology graph traversals and that’s what we’ll cover in this tutorial.

Hierarchy traversals

In contrast with the typical graph lingo where the traversal involves finding successors and predecessors of a node, the OntologyGraph uses simpler language and talks about the traversal in terms of children and parent nodes of a term. The API provides methods for accessing parents/children (or in general ancestors/descendants) of a term instead of successor/predecessors of a node. Let’s illustrate this on a couple of examples.

We can get term IDs of the parents of a term, such as Seizure [HP:0001250] by calling:

>>> for parent in hpo.graph.get_parents('HP:0001250'):
...   print(parent)

HP:0012638 corresponds to Abnormal nervous system physiology.

Children are accessed in a similar fashion:

>>> for child in hpo.graph.get_children('HP:0001250'):
...   print(child)

We will leave finding the ancestors or descendants of a term as an exercise for the interested reader.

Hierarchy-based tests

OntologyGraph wraps the ancestor/descendant accessors in a convenience methods for testing if two terms are ancestors/descendants of each other.

We can test if Seizure [HP:0001250] is a parent or an ancestor of Clonic seizure [HP:0020221]:

>>> hpo.graph.is_parent_of('HP:0001250', 'HP:0020221')
>>> hpo.graph.is_ancestor_of('HP:0001250', 'HP:0020221')

Similar methods exist for checking if a term is a child or a descendant of another term.

Augmenting term with ancestors/descendants

TODO - show ancestors/descendants with include_source.

Iterators vs. collections

You may have noticed the looping in the previous examples. The API does not promise a set, list, or any other collection and it provides typing.Iterator instead. Therefore, the ontology graph implementation may choose to return a lazily evaluated iterable implementation.

The iterators have pros and cons. Thanks to the lazy evaluation, we do not need to calculate the entire ancestor/descendant set if all we need is to find one of the terms. On the flip side, we need to “collect” the iterator into a list/set if that’s what we’re really after, incurring unnecessary creation of a new collection.