Use ontology

HPO toolkit simplifies working with Human Phenotype Ontology from Python by providing APIs for accessing the ontology data. Here we show how to access the data.

We assume the reader is familiar with loading ontology from an Obographs JSON file as described in the Load ontology section.

HPO toolkit represents the ontology data either as hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology or as its subclass hpotk.ontology.Ontology. The two classes are mostly equivalent but the MinimalOntology terms contain less metadata than the Ontology terms. We recommend using MinimalOntology for applications that mostly care about the ontology hierarchy and Ontology is suitable for applications that use definitions, synonyms, or cross-references of the ontology terms, such as natural language processing applications.

Minimal ontology

Let’s see what we can do with a MinimalOntology.

We start with loading the version v2023-10-09 using

>>> import hpotk
>>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store()

>>> hpo = store.load_minimal_hpo(release='v2023-10-09')

We can check the HPO version:

>>> hpo.version

check that the release has 17,664 terms:

>>> len(hpo)

check that HP:0001250 is/was a valid term id:

>>> 'HP:0001250' in hpo

check that HP:0001250 in fact represents Seizure:

>>> seizure = hpo.get_term('HP:0001250')

or print the names of its children in alphabetical order:

>>> for child in sorted(hpo.get_term_name(child)
...                     for child in hpo.graph.get_children(seizure)):
...   print(child)
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
Dialeptic seizure
Focal-onset seizure
Generalized-onset seizure
Infection-related seizure
Maternal seizure
Motor seizure
Neonatal seizure
Nocturnal seizures
Non-motor seizure
Reflex seizure
Status epilepticus
Symptomatic seizures

The terms of hpotk.ontology.MinimalOntology are instances of hpotk.model.MinimalTerm and contain a subset of the term metadata such as identifier, labels, and alternative IDs. The simplified are useful for tasks that use the ontology hierarchy.


Unsurprisingly, loading ontology is very similar to loading minimal ontology. Same as above, we use

>>> import hpotk
>>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store()

>>> hpo = store.load_hpo(release='v2023-10-09')
>>> hpo.version

Same as above, the ontology store will check the local cache for the ontology data file of the requested release and fetch the file from HPO release page if missing. Then, the file is parsed into hpotk.ontology.Ontology, where the ontology terms are represented as hpotk.model.Term.

Thanks to the additional metadata present in a Term, we can also access the definition of the Seizure:

>>> seizure = hpo.get_term('HP:0001250')
>>> definition = seizure.definition
>>> definition.definition
'A seizure is an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.'
>>> definition.xrefs
('', 'PMID:15816939')

or its synonyms:

>>> for synonym in seizure.synonyms:
...   print(
Epileptic seizure


Since Ontology is a subclass of MinimalOntology, any function that needs MinimalOntology will work just fine when provided with Ontology.